Ministry Group: Community

Home / Ministries

Catholic Tots

Catholic moms and/or dads (or grandparents) and their children age 5 and under are invited to join our “Catholic Tots”…

Council of Catholic Women

Goals and Purpose Supporting, empowering and educating all Catholic women in Spirituality, Leadership and Service.  We are Catholic women who…

Health & Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry at St. Jude Catholic Church in Tequesta provides preventive healthcare services, education and access to…

Teri Moran, LPN (retired)


Lynda Spreitzer, RN (retired)


Knights of Columbus

We are the Knights of Columbus,3rd Degree Msgr. Jerome Reddy Council #6569 and 4th Degree John Paul II Assembly #3299…

Council 6569 Grand Knight - Richard Jirinec


Council 6569 Deputy Grand Knight - Preston Fields


4th Degree Assembly 3299 Official -William “Bill” Van Keuren PGK PFN PDD


Little Flowers

Little Flowers Girls’ Club: For ages 5 – 12 Little Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club that teaches virtues…

Library & Café

Ever wonder where to find good books about our Catholic Faith or about a variety of marriage, family and parenting subjects written…

St. Jude Men For Jesus

Where a lone man can be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12…

Organic Young Adult & Family Ministry

This beautiful and organic ministry, composed of young adults and young families, usually gathers together in our church’s courtyard after…

Marcela Gyires


Dr. Elena Rehl


Prayer Ministries

Devotions to Our Blessed Mother OUR LADY’S ROSARY PRAYER GROUP: Our Blessed Mother has always asked us to pray the…

Rosary Makers

Help make rosaries for the missions, prison, and Adoration Chapel.

Sewing Group

The St. Jude Sewing Ministry Group gathers in the Parish Center on many Wednesday mornings during the year to create…

Helen Coughter


Student Leadership Academy

Come be a part of our amazing Student Leadership Team!!! By joining our SLA, you will make deep bonds with…

Student Ministries and our Student Leadership Academy

Our St. Jude Student Ministries program is always planning fun parish community activities. Enjoy scrolling through our photo albums and…

Trail Life Troop FL-3726

Attention families with boys ages 5 to 17. Experience adventure, bring faith to life, and make a difference together by…