Women’s Emmaus Scripture Study

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Summer Study: “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory” ~ A Consecration to The Holy Eucharist

What is the difference between the people who have left the Catholic Church over the past thirty years and those who have stayed?  Those who believe don’t leave.  Believe what?  Believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. 

We will be taking a spiritual journey in July with the book “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory”, a Consecration to the Holy Eucharist, and its Companion Journal.  

What is Consecration?  

In the words of Matthew Kelly from Dynamic Catholic, “Consecration is to devote yourself to God and make yourself 100 percent available to carry out His will on this earth.  It is an act of unconditional surrender to God.  Through the act of consecration, we dedicate ourselves abundantly, wholeheartedly, and completely to the will of God, surrender our distractions and selfishness, and promise to faithfully respond to God’s grace in our lives.” 

“Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for tomorrow He will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5

This study will run from July 11th through August 8th.  For those who wish to partake in this study, please pick up the books beforehand, as you will need to start the reading on July 5th.  If you are not familiar with a Consecration, there is a 4-5 page reading each day for 33 days.  The Companion Journal guides you through each day with questions to ponder.  The 33-day Consecration usually ends with a Feast Day of the Church, which will be the Transfiguration of the Lord celebrated on August 6.  We will celebrate on August 8th, the last Thursday.

The set of books will cost $25.00, a 40% discount since we are buying in bulk. Payments can be made in Cash or Check – made payable to St. Jude Catholic Church. If you would like to participate in this studyplease contact Pat Piccoli at nonnapat52@gmail.com or 561-339-8439.

The purpose of this ministry group is to grow in love and knowledge of the Lord through the study of His Holy Word.  As stated by St. Jerome, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”  Gatherings promote self-study, group discussion and will often feature short lectures or DVD presentations. All members share the responsibility of creating an atmosphere of loving support, trust and encouragement where sisters in Christ can share their insights and experiences.  All materials are faithful to the Catholic Church’s teaching on Sacred Scripture. As is true of all other ministries, the most important element of this ministry is prayer.  Prayer brought this ministry into existence and has sustained it in our parish for many years.

This ministry gathers on Thursday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Parish Center and offers several studies during the year. Many women choose to attend morning Mass prior to the study (please check the bulletin or website for seasonal time changes).


Pat Piccoli
Phone: 561-339-8439
E-mail: nonnapat52@gmail.com