Ever wonder where to find good books about our Catholic Faith or about a variety of marriage, family and parenting subjects written from a Catholic perspective? Did you know St. Jude has a large loaner library, full of great books and DVDs relating to Catholicism and living an authentically Catholic lifestyle?
Come, grab a book and relax in our Parish Center. Coffee & Tea also available to our parishioners.
We’re called to BE disciples of Christ. We’re called to CREATE disciples among our family and friends. The more we know about Christ and His Church, the better equipped we’ll be to fulfill this Great Commission: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)
The St. Jude Loaner Library is located in the lobby of the Parish Center and is open most Sunday mornings or by appointment. Call 561-746-1890 or 561-743-6125.