Health & Wellness Ministry

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The Health and Wellness Ministry at St. Jude Catholic Church in Tequesta provides preventive healthcare services, education and access to appropriate resources, as well as advocacy and support for our parishioners in their home, hospital, or nursing home.

Conducted by a Parish Nurse practicing under the scope of the Florida Nurse Practice Act, and following all rules and regulations established by the Diocese of Palm Beach. All information is confidential. Our primary responsibility is to care for our parishioners and witness to Jesus’ healing mission.

If you or a loved one have recently received a medical diagnosis, have an ongoing medical condition, a mental or physical health concern, are in the hospital or being discharged to home or a healthcare facility, would like more information on a diagnosis, treatment, medication or supportive resources in our community, please contact Teri Moran.

If you are a Catholic, in good standing with the Church, and a practicing or retired health care professional and would like to volunteer your time and experience to help our parishioners achieve better health, healing and wholeness of mind, body, and spirit, while also actively engaging with other St. Jude ministries to achieve these goals, please contact:

Teri Moran, LPN (retired): (561) 310-0155 or email

Teri Moran, LPN (retired)

Lynda Spreitzer, RN (retired)