Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion/To The Sick or Homebound

Home / Ministries / Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion/To The Sick or Homebound

The Homebound Ministry at St. Jude was established to bring Holy Communion to homebound parish members who are not able to attend Mass. When we bring Holy Communion to our parishioners, we pray with them, read Scripture to them and visit on a weekly or periodic basis, depending on what’s best for our homebound members. 

A person may be homebound due to age, illness, physical and/or mental incapacities and unable to attend Sunday Mass.

The ministry also strives to help the homebound person stay connected to parish activities by bringing the bulletin and other calendars. .

The homebound minister will contact the homebound person and arrange a mutually convenient time. Visits are usually done on a weekly basis.

Any practicing Catholic, in good standing with the Church may become a Homebound Minister.

If you are interested in volunteering for this special ministry, please contact Liz Schauer or Deacon Paul Gialanella. You may also fill out the Volunteer Information Sheet on this page.

Thank you very much!  

Eucharistic Minister for Homebound Volunteer Form

Emergency Contact Name
How often would you like to serve?
Preferred Availability Start Time
Preferred Availability End Time