That Man Is You: Next semester begins September 12, 2024

Home / Faith Formation / That Man Is You: Next semester begins September 12, 2024

Calling All Men…

“Men’s Fellowship and Faith Building”: NEXT SEMESTER BEGINS SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

Join us on Thursday mornings from 6:10 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. (fellowship, coffee and pastries from 6:00 a.m. to 6:10 a.m.) for 13 weeks in the St. Jude Parish Center as we…

  • Deepen our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
  • Become a community of men who support one another in faith development and family leadership.
  • Heal personal wounds and broken relationships.

Non-Catholics are Welcome!

Fall Semester 2024: “Apostles of the New Springtime”

Register at the door or online at

For more info, please contact Deacon Les Loh at 561-746-1890 or

Click the image below for a preview video.