Altar Servers

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Goals and Purpose

As recipients of God’s many gifts, and in the spirit of stewardship and service, the mission of the members of the St. Jude Youth Altar Server Corps is to minister at God’s altar with reverence, with dignity and with love.


They assist the Presider and/or Deacon in many ways, immediately before, during, and immediately following Mass.


This ministry is open to all young boys and girls who have celebrated their first Holy Communion and are capable of fulfilling the “Goals and Purpose” stated above.  Adults are welcome to serve at weekday Masses. 

Time Commitment

Varies as scheduled for service at Mass based on your availability.

Altar Server Mass Preference

Prayerfully Consider…

Parents, please keep in mind that your child will become more comfortable the more often they serve. Proficiency will come quickly the more frequently they serve, so please prayerfully consider requesting multiple assignments each month. We are particularly in need of Servers at the 5:30 pm Mass, should that time fit into your Sunday schedule occasionally. Thank you!

Basic Information

Child's Name
Home Address
Father's Name
Mother's Name

Mass Day & Time Preference

You may choose more than 1 Mass.
Has your child ever Altar Served before?
Reason for Submitting This Form
Select as Many as Your Child May Be Willing To Serve
How Frequently Can Your Child Serve, Per Month

Do you know of anyone who would like to become an Altar Server?

Name of Interested Individual